Rabbi Dates

Rabbi Dates

Rhubarb chamomile dates with chocolate and semi-dry texture. The dates are light-colored black and the small core is well-liked, especially in Europe, and unique in its kind. This product has the ability to maintain and rinse.These dates consist of 25% sucrose, 50% glucose and alumina, pectin and water, plus vitamins A, E, C and B..


Enriched with daily energy

Rich in Vitamin B (Nervous Strengthening) and Vitamin E (Strengthening Sexual Power)

The content of iron (anemia treatment) and phosphorus (strengthening of intellectual actions)

Contains Calcium (Bone Strength) and Magnesium (Anti Cancer)

Potassium-rich (dyspepsia) and vitamin A (strengthen eyesight, skin and hair health)

Lazy and neutralize extra gastric acid

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